Getting around

This is more a travelling and planing blog so if you are looking for my daily life, you’ll have to look somewhere else :)

Gdansk – what a surprice

Hotel in Torun

This is the hotel in Torum were we slept. It does look awful from the outside but it was clean and nice, a former hospital. And it was cheap.

I slept a bit longer this morning and it was worth it. It rained all morning. Kim then went into town to se a museum while I went to a shopping mall to look for a new MP3-player. My old one broke, it was to hot… I didn’t find any cheap one, I will use  my phone on the bike instead.

After checking the polish weather services we left Torun around half past one. No rain but grey skies. We had about 180 km to Gdansk. And we were lucky, we came here safe and dry. It was a matter a fact even nic not being to warm and sweaty from the the ride. Today the temp. just went up to 19 degrees.

I didn’t know how  Gdansk would be. I knew the town was totally destroyed by USSR and that it should have been reconstructed. This pic is from 1945.

Danzig ruins

Today it looks like this, a very beautiful polish town with very nice buildings and streets. The only thing that tells you they are not all genuine old is the year printed on the walls. I often saw something like 1955 or so. Some buildings seams though have been restored, they have older years on them.


Down at the harbour the are making fancy living quarters, just like in Stockholm or London. Here I still found ruins from WWII.

Gdansk ruins now

In generell, I was very surprices, it is a nice city. Just skip all the ugly suburbs.

Gdansk by night

I hope for sun tomorrow, we’re going to Sopot and the beach.

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