Getting around

This is more a travelling and planing blog so if you are looking for my daily life, you’ll have to look somewhere else :)

Etosha National Park

Etosha is one of the largest national parks in Namibia and home to a lot of different animals. We stayed at Camp inside the park and it’s built right next to an natural waterhole. So we could actually just walk 50 meter from our tent to see some nice animals. The first evening we saw three rhinos coming to drink.


The next day Maria and I were alone at the camp because Stephan and Marta needed to get back to Windhoek to fix all the papers for her lost passport. In the morning Maria and I just sat at the waterhole watching all kinds of animals come to drink. Zebras, Oryxes, Springboks and more.


Later in the afternoon Stephan and Marta came back so we want on a game drive. Our goal was to see elephants and some cats. But we “only” saw some elephants. And wildebeests. And birds. So we were quite happy.

In the evening a thunderstorm made a nice background to our Braai (South African BBQ).

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